Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quick Farm Report

We found out last week that there are a few pigs left in Mysore. Present in this litter was an albino; the cutest, runtiest, soon to be a kids-moviest little squealer you could ever imagine. I tried for a close-up, but it was so small I've had papayas bigger since I've been here. The mama pig was not going to let me get a close-up. Here she comes out of nowhere, scurrying them away quicker than the Jonas Brothers after playing a gig at St. Mary's School for Wayward Girls. The goats however, did not run quickly. Or at all. They were hunkered down across this stretch of grassy lot for a bit of lunch. I stopped counting after 30, but guessed the herd to be 60 strong. These may be a part of the same herd I saw last time... they probably have their usual migration patterns around town. I was too slow to get a photo, but I saw 4 wild ponies crossing the street yesterday. That's the quick farm report.

--- aeryk ---

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