Sunday, February 7, 2010

Walk softly, and don't touch the Monkey...

Jai Hanuman!

Last tour, we were encountering Shiva at every corner. This time, our paths have been crossed again and again with the furry footfalls of Hanuman. The forshadow must have been in the form of the Hanuman picture David brought us from the old shala. Locally this started with an opportunity to sing with our musical friends the Hanuman Chalisa-- praises of the exploits of Hanuman, Kirtan style, but before that event even happened we found out about another set of opportunities across town. A youngish scholar from the UK and a student of M.A. Jayashree led us in a rousing chanting session featuring Hanuman. This was at a wonderful house just beyond the lake, and now gives us further excuse to go there, or at least through it. This was the call-and-response we have come to expect, but the leader was as welcoming as the group and it was easy to fit in socially and musically. He also offers Bhagavad Gita chanting and dialogue, which is a thrice weekly thing for the next week that he is in town. The group already covered the first two chapters leaving chapter three for our time together. It is nice to be studying a bit, more than just reading at home. There is some stuff offered through the shala, but it is not my learning style right now. In between sessions, we had a chance to hear Swamiji; a visiting swami Sharath's family is putting up while some ceremonies happen. He was one of Guruji's first students and is still close to the family. He spoke of devotion to practice, to self, to discovering what is the body and what is beyond. Basically the same stuff that the Gita and Upanishads have been telling me all week. But it was wonderful to get his blessings, and his take on our practices and how important it is for the whole world today. 


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