The Dell Vostro 1520; the most expensive thing we own and our link to the outside world.
This is more or less what you should have seen a week ago- a blog entry. That is for those just joining us what we refer to as Plan-A, which I should have seen coming with my own paislied third eye. Yes, the correct answer is somewhere between plan-D and none of the above. Right now we have internet access right into the laptop strung in through the bug-screened window, routed through a cable that is still downstairs yet originating on the roof, passing my window on it's way down the first time. On the roof, it bounces from foot-tripping height to laundry strangulation as it swings simian over two more roofs and a coconut tree before rising out of sight. It's no surprise then that it wouldn't take much for the system to go down and would take a while to sort out the problem. Despite territory issues, power issues, time-share issues, it came down to the bill not being paid. Yeah. It's paid now, and the modem is in our apartment. That should make things easier, until the power goes out, or the line gets snapped, or...
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