Saturday, January 16, 2010


Here's the deal- when life hands you lemons, and you hate lemonade, you trade them for grapes, and try to get someone else to make wine. It is true that we left home on Wednesday Jan 6th, all packed into Kara's car, but at the airport we found that we were switched to Air France, with a stop in Paris. I knew this was too good to be true, even to rub my face in a trip I can't take. We were informed in a next-morning phone call that Lufthansa would be our carrier now, and that there was to be a stop in Frankfurt, Germany. I called for confirmation and the clerk sounded vague. At the airport, British Airways wasn't open. Not even staffed. Lufthansa said Air France only sent forward one ticket, and with 1 hour to board, we needed a ticket re-issued from BA to Air France so it could be forwarded to Lufthansa, and maybe-maybe we would get to sit together on one of the two 10-hour flights to Bangalore. And we were told without 48 hours notice, none of the three airlines could honor our Veg meal request. Bread rolls for lunch! As we were not the only ones to have travel mishaps, the Shala was open for registration on Saturday after all. We are now paid up for the month, rent is also paid up, and we are working on the technological aspects of this trip. Go skype! But we arrived during a festival time, so life is good.We even survived the Solar Eclipse, which affected our ability to get breakfast. It seems our restaurant was concerned about lunch attendance with the weather phenomena and it's evil affectations that their menu was limited so they could close for 6 hours. Maybe they will have a "survivor" special today...


1 comment:

Heather said...

I heard about your less-than-ideal start to your trip from Yarrow and Marisa. I'm glad you finally made it and it sounds like you are both having a wonderful time and learning a lot. I am right in the midst of moving into our new home and am practicing a different sort of yoga with that, but I have made almost every Monday primary and class has been excellent, so the studio is being well cared for.
I miss you both but I am glad that you're having such an excellent trip so far.
