Yoga, contrary to popular belief, is not about obtaining supreme physical prowess in order to wrangle and subdue the ego and mind, paving the way for deeper thought and insight into the human condition, thereby allowing for a personal and societal evolution through this karmic self-surrender to a collective consciousness. I know how I may have misled a few of you, especially after some of my rants, but this is the way it is. The truth is, all yoga and all life is about 'plan-B.' Yoga prepares the soul for that startling moment when Plan-A doesn't work, and the body immediately goes into a classic fight-or-flight pattern as the senses scramble for direction. This could be as simple as the store being out of your favorite chocolate, or maybe the concert only has bleacher seats left. Your skill as a yogi comes into play when confronted with these moments.
Our challenge came at the airport. Upon arrival we found out that a broody stormcloud hangs over London, causing all British Airways flights to be canceled. And we just got through that 'strike' scare. We arrived too late to get on the next day flight (which will probably be also canceled, the clerk said) so we have been bumped over to Air France with no vegan meal and a two hour stop in Paris. Yes this is one of my dreams, but I always thought I'd see Paris on foot, not behind glass. And Paris itself is in the middle of snowfall, so there is still a chance that we will land in England anyway. Bangalore reports thunderstorms on and off this week so possibly a tumultuous, wet start to our tropical getaway.We will get to Mysore late but fortunately I was able to change our pick-up ride. Shiva is awesome ! The remaining issue of arriving Saturday for the Weds-Thurs-Friday Shala registration times will have to resolve itself later. In the meantime we are coasting in neutral and going with whatever flow is around us. We snuck into the Bandha Room for an emergency practice this morning and with any luck, we will be on some flight sometime today to take us someplace closer to there. If not, I will take a deep breath, focus my gaze, and visualize Plan-C.
*** aeryk