Thursday, March 18, 2010

Now Past the Moon's Shadows

 Stare at me long enough, and you'll get your picture taken.

This experience can be challenging. 
We have voluntarily placed ourselves in an environment ready to notice our differences be they cultural, racial, or just fashion-based. It doesn't help things that I am unusual in my own country, and here it can feel magnified. It's not that there is judgment per se, but if we walk around people can't help but to trip out and stare. Or they will quickly grab the kid to point out the foreigners. They are certainly amused by my girlish locks or my so-bright-it-must-be-paint tattoo work. Next year I want to wear a shirt that says "I don't represent my whole country." But if you get someone to talk one-on-one, it can be turned around. We have met a few older 'lake-walkers' who are interested in the politics of their nation and it's place in the world. In these moments I am fortunate to share the positive outlooks and similarities between us, rather the gaps in our natures. I can represent myself and my country well, and feel less outside of things. Not that I've become over-sentimental or patriotic, I just am willing to be open to those I meet in the demographics I'm most comfortable with; under 6 or over 60. 

Fishbone shadows play on spines, rising into dark canopies

The season is changing, and with it our ambitions. The heat now steady confronts our daily to-do lists. Quick winds stir up the parched ground, wind carrying with it the reminders that time too is passing through the leaves. Though still much entrenched in our "India Experience" we can't help but turn our focus to what is left for us here and what awaits us back home, compounded by the uncertainty of both ends of the journey. I can add a few more glib riffs, churn a few phrases into comedy ghee, but some of what has truly affected me or changed within can't or shouldn't be shared here. To quote one drunk audience member at a playback performance: "It's too deep." Yeah, this would certainly be too deep for her, but I can share it with the rest of y'all when I get back. I still hope to slam a few blogs out before we leave, while there are still some public-worthy words left.


1 comment:

Russ the Librarian said...

And don't forget to get some pictures of those acid-turkeys you were talking about. Those sound cool....