Saturday, December 20, 2008

Inside Looking Out

I am not the Eye
nor the I
irrespective of each other

twin galaxies swim in tandem
unison found in the assumed collective gravity created in the vaccuum of space and thought

I found my Eye
looking outwards

inside I sought
outside I hid
searching for a way in,
hoping to slip around a corner and stumble upon the truth before I am found out and made to go around the long way again

again I closed my Eye
and found my I
right where I left it

once inside it all seemed so clear
to touch a stone and feel the past
to hear the heartbeats of yesterday echo still

one finger quickly fell
marble column became the bell
centuries later the pillars still sing
my closed eyes opened to wonderous things

now when I close my Eye
I see the door
now when I open the door
I see the Sun
now when I see the Sun
I see my eyes are still opening

--- aeryk ---

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