Friday, December 9, 2011

Moonscape Montage

 freight sacks flung along tracks await  
time to go nearly
but has not come yet

another trip around the square
returns to the source
another Moonscape
gives rise to the dawn 

awakened from slumber the trail pulls the beads along
we the Mala become the song
follow walking mantra
we the beads restrung then gone
again cast to storms
again scattered
then home

but close your eyes for a moment
and you are back
in what feels like the dream

now found the stage awaits
no spotlight to guide the way
step forward and claim the day
sift the slumber
the dream fades
today is what is left in the palm

what use is time if not linear
a bucket full of minutes spilled
cannot be saved
a flower cannot rejoin the branch
but beauty there is in a bunch
filling the vessel is its own task
to experience


time to go
time to wait a moment
catch a breath
be inside while the rest
goes without
now is the moment
the dream pulls off the mask of disbelief
reality was hiding all along
but the path remains the same


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


One year of study, five years of chaos. Aeryk got one too.

 It is official.  Aeryk and I have the full blessing of Sharath and "the Institute" to teach the Ashtanga practice.  We have studied at the Shala for a piece of every calendar year since 2006, four trips in five years.  If you look carefully at the picture, you will see above my name "Level 2".  That's sort of  like a "masters degree" instead of a 'bachelor's".  Its no Ph.d; that's called Certified.  If you look below my name it says I can teach the full Intermediate series.  That's kind of amazing to me.  A couple of years ago only Certified teachers, of whom there are really very few in the world, were allowed to teach anything beyond primary series.  Now Sharath is expanding the territory of some of his authorized teachers to include more of the practice.  I am really excited to have the level 2 designation.  The most exciting part of all for me is that Sharath has asked me to assist classes in the Shala in Mysore for one month.  Now, he asked me to assist starting in mid December until mid January.  Of course, I fly out of here on the 16th.  I know everyone back home is waiting for me...I can hardly stay here for another month!  So, painfully, I had to decline. On the bright side, Sharath says I should come back next year and I can assist then.  Soooo....I guess I'll be coming back soon.   I am grateful to Frank Groundwater who first convinced me I could go to India.  Also to Colleen Swantner, my first Ashtanga teacher, and David Garrigues, my ongoing inspiration.  I am extremely thankful for the sacrifices of all my friends, family, and students whom I lean upon extensively to make these trips possible.  It is hard to conceive of adjusting students in the same room where Guruji gave me my first Mysore backbends.  I guess I had better go home and practice!         Vivian