India provides quite the opportunity for a kaleidoscope of colorful moments, fragments, and shafts of experience, it is often overwhelming just experiencing them; to synthesize such datum and distill the essences into tangible nectar to share is harder still. There are so many 'you had to be there' times that I wanted to give a taste of the stories that are best told at greater length. In no particular order to the pics or stories, here are some of our highlights missed...
Temple carvings are way cool up close. There is a detail that is still vibrant and active... the figures literally jump off the walls at you, and are expressive, down to the mustachioed grimace and ringed fingers and toes on some of these brutes. These ancient heritage landmarks are often in use, and even under the watch of the Gods, it's just another day for some staff. Visually these compounds look relatively unchanged. People are amazing and unpredictable. Shout out to our Chennai bus mates! Public transportation is an amazing thing here. Even with busses, there seems to be distinct grades of service depending on who's driving and where you're going. there is a difference between a public city bus, a state-run bus, private charter, DVD-Express, or overnight "sleeper." They actually call it that, but the movie is cranked. We keep running into people we know, which is cool. Vivian had breakfast with Krista who says says, "Hey, Tom, when are you gonna come to Mysore?" Some of you back home are already closer than five degrees of separation... I never hooked up with my Bangalore Playback theatre connection, so I started a group in Mysore. Our show is Friday night. Vivian is documenting all of this for later incrimination... I have a whole tale of making didgeridoos, performing them at Mysore University with Julie, Ajai, and Tobias, then recording with Julie and David in an undisclosed location. Also unspoken, is honoring friends former treansitions, and a full report on amazing construction practices.
--- Aeryk ---
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